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Bassula Capoeira - Numéros Courts

Capoeira clothing : Bassula Capoeira

Capoeira men tee-shirt par Bassula Capoeira

Capoeira men tee-shirt
Capoeira men tee-shirt
The bassula tee shirts are made in Brazil. The Bassula prints on the tee shirts are expressing the capoeira history and the capoeira culture.

Bassula means "rasteira" (foot sweep) in Kimbundu and is also the name used to describe an old combat-game played by the fishermen of Angola. Today, BASSULA® translates into fashion the different expressions of this genuinely Brazilian art fashion.
The prints on the sweat shirts are expressing the capoeira history and the capoeira culture. Multiple choice for women
The Bassula capoeira bermudas are designed to translate the beauty of capoeira into high quality clothing. Capoeira shorts and bermudas for men.
The Bassula capoeira pants are designed to translate the beauty of capoeira into high quality clothing. Capoeira pants for men.
Bassula Capoeira Originals Salvador - bahia - Brasil. Today, BASSULA® translates into fashion the different expressions of this genuinely Brazilian art form, without loosing sight of its African roots.
The Bassula capoeira shorts are made in Brazil. The Capoeira women shorts are designed to give maximum comfort to the women practising capoeira.
The Bassula capoeira pants are made in Brazil. The Capoeira women pants are designed to give maximum comfort to the women practising capoeira.
Its history is a result of its use in direct confrontation with the authorities of Brazil?s slavery until the process of decriminalization, social valuation and institutionalization.
Goal of Bassula is to design high quality tee-shirts that express the beauty, the values and the cultural richness of Capoeira.
The capoeira sweat shirts from Bassula are made in Brazil. The sweat shirts are designed to give the highest comfort to the people practising capoeira.
Bassula is used to describe an old combat-game played by the fishermen of Angola. Today, BASSULA® translates into fashion the different expressions of this genuinely Brazilian art fashion.
The prints on the tee-shirts are expressing the capoeira culture and brazilian fashion. Multiple choice for women
Contra-Mestre Cristina | Mestre Valmir | Mestre Sabia | Mestre Carlo are ambassadors of the Bassula community